Monday 21 January 2013

The Year So Far...

2013 = Rough. But let's focus on the positive, shall we? 
Oprah's in town tonight... and Eggs is there!
I have a crush on a guy in my Kant class... and he has great taste in music!
I have a crush on two of my guy friends, and both are taken... but we have amazing friendships!
I have a crush on Jeremy Irons... nothing is hotter than him in The Mission!
Feeling especially lonely these days... but at least I get to check out whoever the hell I want!
Feeling like I might have a nervous breakdown because of school... but there's only three months left!
I wish I was graduated already... but school is a safe haven from the real world!
Wishing I had more high-quality friends... but I am so grateful for the ones I have!
Did shit-all this weekend... and damn it felt good!
Unemployed... but damn it feels good!
Single... but I know I'll miss singledom when it's over!

Live at home... and so glad I don't have to pay rent!
Failing at life... but I know I will succeed in the end!
Mom's recovering from surgery... but she's cancer-free!
Spent a lot of money I don't have at Walmart today... but this Stars album was well worth the money!
Still fat... but I won't be forever!
How's the year going for other people? Hopefully amazing!

Now it's random picture time. :-)

(McLeary house?)
(hehe, clever.)
(Dave and Jamie?)

 (Simon and Beth?)

 (Jeremy effing Irons.)

 (It's you and me, Eggs!)


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