Friday 4 January 2013


Okay- Hess's rant of the day. Haylor. Taylor Swift and Harry from One Direction. Apparently they're dating now. And if, by chance, any fan girls on either side are reading this, you will most likely be offended, for which I am sorry. But my beef is as follows.

I will admit I am not very familiar with One Direction's music (though they all have great accents) and I certainly know nothing about Harry himself. And to be honest, I am fairly neutral on Taylor too (though I adore her new bangs). But I was just reading some of the fans' reactions on both sides, and WOW. Was I that scary when I was a teenager??

To anyone who might be either a Directioner or a Swifty (I think they're called that), here are the thoughts of a neutral third party with no vested interest in either of these two people's personal (or professional) lives:

1. Taylor Swift makes pretty good music.
2. One Direction presumably makes good music as well, otherwise you fine people would not listen to it.
3. All the members of 1D (including Harry) seem like decent guys, from the little I've seen and heard.
4. Taylor seems like a decent girl.
5. Both Taylor and Harry are real people; they are not immune to hatred or cruelty.
6. To be a supporter of Harry, as a person, it follows that people should respect his choices. The same is true for Taylor supporters.
7. Harry does not, in fact, seem to be as happy with Taylor as Taylor is with Harry; even I can see that. But the point is that it's entirely his choice if he continues to date her.
8. Most of you will never even meet either of these two, let alone date them (sorry to burst your bubble), so I feel as if worrying so much about it is a waste of time and energy.
9. I have just spent the last ten minutes writing about it, so I am also wasting my time and energy, and perhaps that makes me a hypocrite (or just really, really bored).
10. Realize that life will go on for both Harry and Taylor after they break up (a break up which is extremely likely, given that they are both young and famous). Neither of them will care about it in five years' time. And it is likely that you won't either. Trust me.

I am fascinated by all the fan girls on both sides. I understand the obsession to some degree. However, these are just real people, real kids who are testing each other out to see how they fit, and that really is all it is. They want to find love as badly as anyone else does. Stop worrying, stop harassing, stop threatening, stop hating, and just let these two live their lives and make their mistakes and have their successes in peace.

Directioners and Swifties alike: You will win if you just focus on your own lives! I know you have ambitions and dreams, and you should go for them! That is where your energy should be directed (forgive the pun). Stay positive about life, and about the people in your life, even if those people are just musicians who you don't even know. Why must we be so negative towards them? Listen to your mom when she tells you "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Those words will get you EVERYWHERE in life, and hatred will get you nowhere, ever.

(And, quite frankly, in a few years you will be ashamed of the things you said and the way you bashed and bullied two people who have done absolutely nothing wrong. Not to mention you will be super embarrassed that you were so hormonal about celebrity dramas.)

Rant over. And now I'm going to go tranquilize myself for having spent so much time and energy on this topic.

Now for some pictures!


 Childhood memories!


 Mmmmmm. Comedians.

 And holy crap, Seth, I hope you answered... :-D

 LOL! Speaking of butts calling to people! Can't blame the dudes, I guess. Her butt is like an urban legend.

 This is me this semester. Sigh.

 Contemplative Tom...


 HELLO. But I think I might prefer him with the long hair. What can I say? I love the grungies. Always have, always will.

 Best moment of Breaking Dawn. Period. Could have sat through nothing but that scene for two hours.

 Matt? Love sleeve tattoos.

 Hahahahaha. Wow. Hilarious!

 Siiigh. Taylor Lautner would never be able to lift me like I was a feather. But a girl can dream...

Hahahaha perfect moment. I don't really understand the R-Patz obsession, but he seems like a really cool guy. Like I would love to just go for beers with him.


 Ohhhh yes.

 This might be my wedding dress!!


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