Tuesday 20 November 2012

Our 60th Post!

Hess here. :-)
Wow, 60 posts later and no closer to achieving a single one of my goals. Yikes.

School has gotten the better of me these past few weeks, and I have a nasty cough that won't seem to leave, which is why I've been MIA. But I feel like another photo post is in order (yay!!). Plus this is much more pleasant than working on my paper. (But then, sliding down a banister of needles into a tub of acid is more pleasant than working on my paper, too.)

But first, I think I need to rant a bit today... so here is my list of the worst things about being a fat chick:

1. The constant laziness/lack of energy.
2. The lack of attention from boys.
3.Feeling gross all the time (physically and emotionally unhealthy).
4. Not knowing how to control my impulse to eat and my complete lack of desire to exercise.
5. The fact that people can tell just by looking at me that I don't treat myself well.
6. Not being able to wear the clothes that I love, and not feeling pretty when I do.
7. The hopelessness and the fear that things might always be this way.
8. Rolls, rolls everywhere.
9. Realizing that I am (by a fairly big margin) the biggest girl in my group of friends at the bar.
10. Feeling like there couldn't possibly be a man who would ever be attracted to me.

Sorry for that rant. And it isn't meant to be offensive to overweight people. I sincerely hope that all the other fatties in the world are much happier and more secure with themselves than I am. But... I just hate where I am right now. And not just because I'm overweight, but because I'm sick of my life as it is now, and ohhh boy, 25 is WAY too young to be sick of life. Things need to change... things have always needed to change. But I don't change them. And then I wonder why I'm still so unhappy...

However, so as to avoid succumbing to this horribly depressing mood, here are a few things that have helped me escape the world these days (via my imagination)...


Backstreet Men... I mean, Boys.

Boy Meets World.


The Olsen twins' amazing styles.

All things Paris.

I hope it's just as easy for you to find escape from your world!
Happy Tuesday!

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