Wednesday 13 March 2013

New Pope! New Pictures!

Yes, we have a new Holy Father, Pope Francis I! Congratulations, Excellency, and God speed as you start out in that insanely high-pressure job! 

The weird part is that as I was watching our new Pope giving his first address in the Vatican, all I could think was that I have been such a horrible person in this life. I know that's a terrible attitude, but it's all that was running through my mind. Strange, no?

(we have a Pope)

Before the exciting news this afternoon (and probably after it too), I was in a bit of a somber mood today thinking about all the stuff I have to do in the next four weeks. School is kicking my butt these days, royally. I just want to be happy, free of school, thin, healthy, and in a nice loving relationship. In Europe. Is that really so much to ask?? ;)

Trying not to be a downer (again), so I will just post some things that have been on my mind.

Ah, to be in love in Paris...

 (I wish...)

Beautiful men are nice...

 (mmm those brown eyes...)

 (Any day, Seth Rogan. Any. Day.)

(Dude, we're seeing him in a couple months!!! Yay for the RED tour!!! PS, anyone else jealous of that freaking cat?)


 (Giant AMEN to that!!)

 (hehe. Oh Lizzie. I miss it so much.)

 (I adore this outfit.)

 (My wedding flower!)

Disney-style love...

 (Hannah and Andy dude. Plaid and all.)

 (Matt and Katrina, minus nose piercing.)

 (I want. Except if a guy tried to lift me like that he would throw his back out.)

 (Love that outfit too.)

Fashion... I wish I could wear what I love instead of what fits... Fat Girl Problem #23

Faraway places... I wish I was there...

 (Sigh, walking down this road with a lover? Yes, please.)


Pretty artwork...

 (I'm like weirdly in love with these uber-tacky fairy paintings, haha. I don't get it. There's just something so awesome about them.)

Almost Famous, an amazing film...

 (I obviously want to be Penny Lane.)

And there you have it.
God Bless all of you, and enjoy the rest of your week. 
Remember that life is not all bad, even if it constantly feels like it. (And it does constantly feel like it.)
Spread Love.

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