Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Hess here. Just saw the Avengers, and it was so good! Is it wrong that I find the villain the most attractive one in that movie? Captain America just doesn't do it for me, sorry. I think Eggs has a thing for Chris Evans though... I just don't see it. I mean sure, he is an attractive man, but he does absolutely nothing for me.

But anyways, did you know theater popcorn is one of the worst things you can eat? Seriously, that mofo is like 1600 calories, and it's all salt and chemicals. And guess who just consumed an entire small to herself? Yep.

So Eggs, you are not alone on the failure ship. I am captaining that beast, and it's heading due south. Seriously, when are things gonna change for us? Probably when we change them for ourselves. The pity party isn't helping me, I know, but it helps to rant a little. 

Anyways, I'll try and be more positive from now on... but that has always been hard for me. But hmm... things that are good... the villain in the Avengers. Yummy. The fact that Elaine looks way better now than she did on Seinfeld fifteen years ago. Loaded bookshelves. Polka dots. Brown eyes. Sigh. That's all I got.

Next week will be better, right Eggs? Next week WE'LL be better. Oh yeah, and one more thing...


1 comment:

  1. Dude, I have seen that movie twice and I love it. And I find Thor very attractive, same for Iron Man and Loki (aka the bad guy you love). I approve of your movie selection
