So, I went to my friend Melissa's house today. Her mom ate yogurt and granola for lunch, and cherries for dessert. I heard someone complain that all she was able to do on the treadmill was a measly 6 kilometers an hour. And to top it all off, her sister came out in the cutest little dress and heels, and I found myself thinking that life sucks and I should be about half my size at this moment. So here are three nice pictures to make me smile...
I love that middle line, and it is my new mantra. Plus look at those dresses!! That is my ideal wedding right there. Plus... who doesn't love a good Michael/Dwight shot? Particularly when Dwight is wearing a bra? Sigh. I love the Office. I pine for the days when it was flawless.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Monday, 25 June 2012
I can't wait for the next one...
As you can see, Hess did the run down on the big trip to Banff. I will fill in the details with pictures!
Not a bad way to start our wait for the show! Josh and Sam being sweethearts as usual!
Hess is pretty content in this photo. Her main man Dan was on the stage. Natch.
Too bad the weather was crappy, but you can see the mountains behind Mr. Mangan here. Singing along with the crowd and facing the elements (including the very slippery barricade)
All I can say about this photo is AWWWW! And watch out Hess, Dan is almost too cute for words and that beard... my type!
Hess summarized this moment quite well. This was after he warmed up my hands (first time - must of been too cold against him :D), Can't wipe the grin off my face. After this, we chatted (as Hess outlined) and then he continued to warm my hands, grant my hug request (like it was his honor!) and held his hand out like he didn't want to go (this may be slightly exaggerated but I really did want to put my hand in his, it was like an invitation) SQUEE.
(see below, this was about 20-30minutes after the above encounter)
I don't know how these two put up with me, but thank you for encouraging my SRB concert addiction (some would say it is almost stalking... nah!) Love you two!
Until next time, Banff!
That. Was. AMAZING.
Here it is, Hess's recap of the weekend, and it will be long... because... It. Was. Amazing.
Okay. Left for Banff on Friday afternoon, had fun taking quizzes from a teenaged-girl magazine (I'm a Taylor, Eggs is a Selena), ate lots of junkfood, and enjoyed the road trip. After we checked into our hotel we watched lots of bad TV, hung out, and drank Arbor Mist like it was going out of style. (By the way, it is going out of style. Or, more accurately, it was never in style. That stuff tastes like wine mixed with chemicals and just a hint of Windex thrown in for kicks.)
Anyways, Saturday is where the fun really began. We walked around town a bit and bought some souvenirs, then we went to the venue and froze our buns off outside the gates waiting to see our boys. And we did! Sam and Josh from the Sam Roberts Band came by and we took pictures with them. And for anyone who might be reading this who does not know it, the men in Sam Roberts' band (in particular, Sam himself) are literally the most gracious group of people you will ever meet in the music business.
After those two left and we had been standing outside in the cold for a couple hours, we were finally let into the park. Eggs did not disappoint and claimed us a spot in the front row, where we jammed out to some sweet Native American powwow music. I seriously love that stuff: those Aboriginals really know how to drum.
A couple hours later, Dan Mangan and his super enthusiastic band opened with an AMAZING show. He's a fantastic songwriter, and he has one of those voices that sounds exactly the same live as it does on the album, if not better. Plus I kind of fell in love with every member of his band! Great performance, despite the continuous rain, and he played all three of my favorite songs. Plus, any artist that stands atop a rain-soaked barricade and gets the entire audience to sing "robots need love, too" at full volume is automatically a winner in my books.
Once Dan finished his set, Sam and the boys took the stage... and as usual, they gave an awesome performance. I love that the band gives their all at every show, no matter what. And they always sound great- even when Sam forgets the lyrics to Don't Walk Away Eileen, laughs it off, and chalks it up to a lack of beer in true Canadian fashion. What a champ.
Now, something people need to know about Eggs is this: she has an unbelievable crush on Eric, the keyboardist in Sam Roberts' band. That, and she likes to hang around after shows to meet up with the guys in the band. This concert was no different, and after much asking, Eggs got one of the other guys in the band to bring Eric out to say hello. And oh, did he say hello!
Firstly, not only did I get to meet Dan Mangan (a little shy, extremely sweet, sort of uncomfortable, but clearly enjoying his fans and being very gracious), Eggs got to have one of the most epic groupie moments in the history of epic groupie moments. And that is what I will describe here.
Okay. So Eric comes bounding out of this beautiful building where the guys were hanging out, having been told that someone (Eggs) was waiting outside to see him. He's looking around all cutely, this kind of excited look on his face, probably a tiny bit buzzed and riding the high of a great show. Eggs calls him over. He sees her and comes out, doing the cute nod first. We all say hello and Eggs asks if she can get a picture with him. He complies, naturally, and puts his arm around her shoulders, smiling. Here's the thing, though: when they're lining themselves up for the picture, he gives her this look...
It is the look of every smitten groom in every wedding photo album, the look of recognizing a fan and appreciating it to his core, the look of... dare I say it?... the look of love! Of course, Eggs was looking at the camera and was completely oblivious to this look, but our friend Danna, who was taking the picture, definitely noticed it too. It was the most intense look.
Anyways, after the look of love, they took the picture. Danna said she would take another. While she lined up the second one, Eric did the unthinkable...
Eggs had put her arm around his waist, which was perfectly natural given the pose of the picture, but he obviously felt how cold she was because he grabbed her hand from behind, the one that was around his waist, and rubbed it, saying, "Your hands are so cold!" This was all invisible to Danna and I, as Eric's and Eggs's hands were behind Eric's back. But it was pretty obvious what he was doing, and Eggs confirmed it later.
After that little hand-rubbing incident, they broke their pose and we chatted amicably with Eric for a minute. He asked if he had met Eggs before (he had, several times) and he seemed genuinely interested in where we had come from, where we had previously met them, etc. He was really cute about it, too:
Eric: "So are you guys still in Red Deer, then?"
Eggs: "Actually we're from Edmonton; the concert we went to was Red Deer."
Eric: "Edmonton... wow, so you guys have driven like a couple hundred miles... fuck. Pardon my language, but that's really amazing."
Eggs: "Yeah- it was well worth it."
Eric: (genuinely grateful) "Well thank you so much."
A few moments after that (and this is the part that's fuzzy for me, so maybe you can fill in the blanks Eggs?) he was holding her hands and rubbing them for her to warm them up. And seriously... he's done that before. That is how Eric is. But after warming her hands for a few moments, this is how things ended:
Eggs: "But anyways, can I just have a hug?"
Eric: (all exasperated) "What?? Can I just have a hug?" (envelopes Eggs in a really tight bear hug.)
And that... that was the "Groupie" Moment of the century. Eggs? Anything you wanna add?
Here it is, Hess's recap of the weekend, and it will be long... because... It. Was. Amazing.
Okay. Left for Banff on Friday afternoon, had fun taking quizzes from a teenaged-girl magazine (I'm a Taylor, Eggs is a Selena), ate lots of junkfood, and enjoyed the road trip. After we checked into our hotel we watched lots of bad TV, hung out, and drank Arbor Mist like it was going out of style. (By the way, it is going out of style. Or, more accurately, it was never in style. That stuff tastes like wine mixed with chemicals and just a hint of Windex thrown in for kicks.)
Anyways, Saturday is where the fun really began. We walked around town a bit and bought some souvenirs, then we went to the venue and froze our buns off outside the gates waiting to see our boys. And we did! Sam and Josh from the Sam Roberts Band came by and we took pictures with them. And for anyone who might be reading this who does not know it, the men in Sam Roberts' band (in particular, Sam himself) are literally the most gracious group of people you will ever meet in the music business.
After those two left and we had been standing outside in the cold for a couple hours, we were finally let into the park. Eggs did not disappoint and claimed us a spot in the front row, where we jammed out to some sweet Native American powwow music. I seriously love that stuff: those Aboriginals really know how to drum.
A couple hours later, Dan Mangan and his super enthusiastic band opened with an AMAZING show. He's a fantastic songwriter, and he has one of those voices that sounds exactly the same live as it does on the album, if not better. Plus I kind of fell in love with every member of his band! Great performance, despite the continuous rain, and he played all three of my favorite songs. Plus, any artist that stands atop a rain-soaked barricade and gets the entire audience to sing "robots need love, too" at full volume is automatically a winner in my books.
Once Dan finished his set, Sam and the boys took the stage... and as usual, they gave an awesome performance. I love that the band gives their all at every show, no matter what. And they always sound great- even when Sam forgets the lyrics to Don't Walk Away Eileen, laughs it off, and chalks it up to a lack of beer in true Canadian fashion. What a champ.
Now, something people need to know about Eggs is this: she has an unbelievable crush on Eric, the keyboardist in Sam Roberts' band. That, and she likes to hang around after shows to meet up with the guys in the band. This concert was no different, and after much asking, Eggs got one of the other guys in the band to bring Eric out to say hello. And oh, did he say hello!
Firstly, not only did I get to meet Dan Mangan (a little shy, extremely sweet, sort of uncomfortable, but clearly enjoying his fans and being very gracious), Eggs got to have one of the most epic groupie moments in the history of epic groupie moments. And that is what I will describe here.
Okay. So Eric comes bounding out of this beautiful building where the guys were hanging out, having been told that someone (Eggs) was waiting outside to see him. He's looking around all cutely, this kind of excited look on his face, probably a tiny bit buzzed and riding the high of a great show. Eggs calls him over. He sees her and comes out, doing the cute nod first. We all say hello and Eggs asks if she can get a picture with him. He complies, naturally, and puts his arm around her shoulders, smiling. Here's the thing, though: when they're lining themselves up for the picture, he gives her this look...
It is the look of every smitten groom in every wedding photo album, the look of recognizing a fan and appreciating it to his core, the look of... dare I say it?... the look of love! Of course, Eggs was looking at the camera and was completely oblivious to this look, but our friend Danna, who was taking the picture, definitely noticed it too. It was the most intense look.
Anyways, after the look of love, they took the picture. Danna said she would take another. While she lined up the second one, Eric did the unthinkable...
Eggs had put her arm around his waist, which was perfectly natural given the pose of the picture, but he obviously felt how cold she was because he grabbed her hand from behind, the one that was around his waist, and rubbed it, saying, "Your hands are so cold!" This was all invisible to Danna and I, as Eric's and Eggs's hands were behind Eric's back. But it was pretty obvious what he was doing, and Eggs confirmed it later.
After that little hand-rubbing incident, they broke their pose and we chatted amicably with Eric for a minute. He asked if he had met Eggs before (he had, several times) and he seemed genuinely interested in where we had come from, where we had previously met them, etc. He was really cute about it, too:
Eric: "So are you guys still in Red Deer, then?"
Eggs: "Actually we're from Edmonton; the concert we went to was Red Deer."
Eric: "Edmonton... wow, so you guys have driven like a couple hundred miles... fuck. Pardon my language, but that's really amazing."
Eggs: "Yeah- it was well worth it."
Eric: (genuinely grateful) "Well thank you so much."
A few moments after that (and this is the part that's fuzzy for me, so maybe you can fill in the blanks Eggs?) he was holding her hands and rubbing them for her to warm them up. And seriously... he's done that before. That is how Eric is. But after warming her hands for a few moments, this is how things ended:
Eggs: "But anyways, can I just have a hug?"
Eric: (all exasperated) "What?? Can I just have a hug?" (envelopes Eggs in a really tight bear hug.)
And that... that was the "Groupie" Moment of the century. Eggs? Anything you wanna add?
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Laughter is the best medicine
Eggs is destined to be with a funny guy. For serious. The guy I eventually marry will have to be able to make me laugh, a lot. Had a great time at Russell Peters tonight.
I am going to have an even GREATER time tomorrow on our way to Banff :D.
This will probably be the last blog before we get back. It will be epic and good times.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Girl Meets World
Yo. Hess here. I just keep thinking about my life, over and over again... and I think it's really and truly time for a change. Not just with my weight, which is obviously destined to be my cross in life. No- I'm talking about a real, major change.
I woke up at 4 this morning tossing and turning and extremely angry with people who kept making me ring them through when I was on my break... that is how intertwined my cashier job has become with my life. I'm freaking dreaming about the place! On my day off!!! Oh, and all the while, a song was playing SUPER loudly in my head, over and over again... the same stupid song that plays at least twice a day at work. I mean seriously... this was the kind of dream that happens on bad TV shows, and it happened to me this morning. That means something. So I'm done my job as of July 29th, and let me tell you, that is not nearly soon enough. But at least it's happening.
I need to stop letting fear get in my way. And that is what it is- nothing but fear. I am afraid of putting myself out there and giving it my all and still failing: failing at life, at losing weight, at driving, at ending a job I've gotten comfortable with, at having to find a new one, at leaving my parents' house. I am afraid of everything, because everything is unknown. I just don't want to grow up. I fucking hate the prospect of growing up.
I think I'm going to move. To BC. As soon as I graduate. After the Cali trip, of course. But when I come home, I don't really want to come home, because 'home' doesn't actually feel like home at all. And I really don't want to put roots down where I don't feel at home, because what kind of way is that to feel happy?
So I'm moving to BC in a year. I'm going to figure my shit out in this life, because if I don't, it will never get figured out. I am the only one who can do this. So here's my list of the day, things that Hess is going to do in the next year:
1. Get my license.
2. Lose like a thousand pounds before next spring.
3. Graduate.
4. Go to California.
5. Move to BC.
In other words, basically everything I've been saying I would do for the past five years.
I woke up at 4 this morning tossing and turning and extremely angry with people who kept making me ring them through when I was on my break... that is how intertwined my cashier job has become with my life. I'm freaking dreaming about the place! On my day off!!! Oh, and all the while, a song was playing SUPER loudly in my head, over and over again... the same stupid song that plays at least twice a day at work. I mean seriously... this was the kind of dream that happens on bad TV shows, and it happened to me this morning. That means something. So I'm done my job as of July 29th, and let me tell you, that is not nearly soon enough. But at least it's happening.
I need to stop letting fear get in my way. And that is what it is- nothing but fear. I am afraid of putting myself out there and giving it my all and still failing: failing at life, at losing weight, at driving, at ending a job I've gotten comfortable with, at having to find a new one, at leaving my parents' house. I am afraid of everything, because everything is unknown. I just don't want to grow up. I fucking hate the prospect of growing up.
I think I'm going to move. To BC. As soon as I graduate. After the Cali trip, of course. But when I come home, I don't really want to come home, because 'home' doesn't actually feel like home at all. And I really don't want to put roots down where I don't feel at home, because what kind of way is that to feel happy?
So I'm moving to BC in a year. I'm going to figure my shit out in this life, because if I don't, it will never get figured out. I am the only one who can do this. So here's my list of the day, things that Hess is going to do in the next year:
1. Get my license.
2. Lose like a thousand pounds before next spring.
3. Graduate.
4. Go to California.
5. Move to BC.
In other words, basically everything I've been saying I would do for the past five years.
Monday, 18 June 2012
Eggs is officially scared
I am beyond scared right now, I just had my offer ACCEPTED on a condo I viewed only a couple of hours ago...
Hello Mortgage, goodbye life.
Mortgage payment, insurance payments, car payment, utilities...
I've been doing a lot of thinking these days. Too much, probably. I just want to find a nice man and settle down and be happy... some days. But other days, I really kind of hate kids. And I don't even see how I could ever be okay living with a man. And I do everything that will not make me happy. Sigh. I just want a sugar daddy too, Eggs. It would make things easier.
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Growing up...
Eggs is almost tired of the home search and I have only been looking for about a month. Never a good sign. Wish I could afford exactly what I want, but unfortunately that is not the case.
I need to find a sugar daddy.
I did look at a condo today that was like 5 steps away from the Druid, aka my bartender crush. I don't think that would be a good idea...
I need to lose weight stat. I am beyond for serious. We have said this several times but I am a getting annoyed with it, as illustrated below..
Less words, more pictures. I like blogging this way. Anyways, nothing to rant about today because I am going to try and stay positive... sadly, I am thinking of ordering a pizza tonight but it may be my last for awhile.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Hess here. I started a new diary on my birthday last year, and the one-year anniversary of that diary (my birthday!) is coming up. At the beginning of the diary I made a list of my goals for the next year: there were eight of them. Wanna know how many of them I actually accomplished? Zero. And it's not like any of them were even terribly hard... they were just your typical goals, and they should have been easy for me to do because I had a gameplan, and it was a good one. But here we are, a year after the fact, and I am in exactly the same position.
Sorry to be emo yet again, but this is hitting me hard today. I don't want to be fat and unable to wear the clothes I like because they look icky on me; I want to wear what I love and look good doing it. I don't want to be lonely at the bar because everyone around me is coupled off; I want to have someone to snuggle up to, too. I don't want to keep giving into my bad habits; I want to master them.
This has gone on long enough, Eggs. We need to act like we deserve better, and really BELIEVE that we deserve better, because we do. It's time to for me to change things, because I need to. Enough with the excuses, enough with feeling sorry for myself, enough with the terrible choices and sitting on my ass and eating whatever crap I feel like eating. Time to do better. Time to start acting like I really want this; because until I act like I want it, I don't want it.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
I don't get how someone can come into work and just completely bring down everyone around them.
I need to start embracing being single also. 25 years and going strong. What does a girl have to do? Work on myself and wait for him to come along I guess.
I will end with this one. I love all of these. I need to listen to them...
Monday, 11 June 2012
Hess here.
Ah Eggs, you speak my language. I hear you on that whole first paragraph, start to finish. I am most definitely NOT on the path I want to be on; actually, I am on the exact path that I absolutely do not want to be on. What's more, if I continue on in this way, I will end up one of those massive people who never leaves her house and smells unusual and is always bitching at everyone and needs to move layers of fat in order to zip up her jeans. These are things I would like to avoid if at all possible, but right now, I am on the fast track to Fatville and this train ain't stoppin'. I make light of it, but it really is a serious situation. I don't want to be unhealthy and unhappy with how I look. I don't want to feel icky all the time. This needs to change.
I am currently writing my paper while getting excited about the second half of your post! I can't believe there are less than two weeks until Sam/Dan. I feel like most Canadians know of both these acts, but mostly just in name, particularly the ever-underrated Dan Mangan. Whoever doesn't really know these artists' music is really missing out on some amazing stuff. Dan Mangan's song "Rows of Houses" is on repeat on my iPod right now, and everyone in the world should listen to "Basket" at some point. And as for Sam Roberts, there is nothing like "Words and Fire" to make you think and feel at the same time. AMAZING. Must-listen list 101.
Anyways, my paper is abysmal so far. The research is done, for the most part, but I still have to write most of it and organize the crap that I do have. Ugh. Life just needs to stop for one full year and let me catch up.
Hope your week is good.
Ah Eggs, you speak my language. I hear you on that whole first paragraph, start to finish. I am most definitely NOT on the path I want to be on; actually, I am on the exact path that I absolutely do not want to be on. What's more, if I continue on in this way, I will end up one of those massive people who never leaves her house and smells unusual and is always bitching at everyone and needs to move layers of fat in order to zip up her jeans. These are things I would like to avoid if at all possible, but right now, I am on the fast track to Fatville and this train ain't stoppin'. I make light of it, but it really is a serious situation. I don't want to be unhealthy and unhappy with how I look. I don't want to feel icky all the time. This needs to change.
I am currently writing my paper while getting excited about the second half of your post! I can't believe there are less than two weeks until Sam/Dan. I feel like most Canadians know of both these acts, but mostly just in name, particularly the ever-underrated Dan Mangan. Whoever doesn't really know these artists' music is really missing out on some amazing stuff. Dan Mangan's song "Rows of Houses" is on repeat on my iPod right now, and everyone in the world should listen to "Basket" at some point. And as for Sam Roberts, there is nothing like "Words and Fire" to make you think and feel at the same time. AMAZING. Must-listen list 101.
Anyways, my paper is abysmal so far. The research is done, for the most part, but I still have to write most of it and organize the crap that I do have. Ugh. Life just needs to stop for one full year and let me catch up.
Hope your week is good.
Happy Monday
Time is flying, like literally. I don't see the days. This scares me a little. Before we know it, we will be 30, 40, 50... are we heading in the direction we want to be? I know I am not. I can't break my worst habits, spending and eating poorly. I need a huge wake up call. You would think my jeans fitting a little too tight would be a push in the right direction for my whole weight issue but nah, I just put on leggings. Get a little give that way. I need to stop thinking that way, looking for the easy way out. I can't except to get handed the change I want, I NEED to work for it.
Now to look at the positives.

This will sum up the entire show for me....
The countdown is on... I hope that Hess is as excited as I am... Red Deer repeat?
Eggs out!
Friday, 8 June 2012
Vegas and Papers
Hess here. And this is officially my first-Disneyland-day outfit!
I am seriously in love with DisneyBound.
And also Eggs, we might just have to make a Vegas pit-stop after all... I think I am starting to agree with you there. And the Santa Monica pier is going to be so amazing!
Anyways, my day went mediocre today. I should have started working on my paper, since it is due on Wednesday. I haven't actually started it though... Oh school, with your lack of ability to motivate me. Plus I worked today, and it was ridiculously busy. Two more months, then I am out of there... sigh. Not coming quick enough. (That's what she said.)
However, I think your plan to stop eating junk food is a good way to lose weight. I know that for me, cutting something out would only make me want it more, but if you can handle the pressure, go for it!
Oh, and on the good-news front, I did manage to get a 76 on a paper I only half-tried on, and everyone else in the class got lower than they were expecting. I think the class average was in the 50s. Go me!
Anyways, here's hoping tomorrow I will start/almost finish my research paper and that it won't suck too badly. I'm perfectly fine with a C, haha. And here's hoping that your weekend is stellar and you feel good about the choices you're making.
I am seriously in love with DisneyBound.
And also Eggs, we might just have to make a Vegas pit-stop after all... I think I am starting to agree with you there. And the Santa Monica pier is going to be so amazing!
Anyways, my day went mediocre today. I should have started working on my paper, since it is due on Wednesday. I haven't actually started it though... Oh school, with your lack of ability to motivate me. Plus I worked today, and it was ridiculously busy. Two more months, then I am out of there... sigh. Not coming quick enough. (That's what she said.)
However, I think your plan to stop eating junk food is a good way to lose weight. I know that for me, cutting something out would only make me want it more, but if you can handle the pressure, go for it!
Oh, and on the good-news front, I did manage to get a 76 on a paper I only half-tried on, and everyone else in the class got lower than they were expecting. I think the class average was in the 50s. Go me!
Anyways, here's hoping tomorrow I will start/almost finish my research paper and that it won't suck too badly. I'm perfectly fine with a C, haha. And here's hoping that your weekend is stellar and you feel good about the choices you're making.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Picture Time
Work like a captain, play like a pirate!!!
(PS: I got all these pictures from, another fabulous site!)
(PS: I got all these pictures from, another fabulous site!)
Dude, we have to, HAVE TO, go to the movie theatre above. It is in San Jose and it is amazing. Just saying.
I am definitely cracking down on spending money. My friend's coworker's daughter shed some major weight just by cutting out junk food and sugar from her diet. I am all over this. Makes a lot of sense. Eggs has a plan, not really, but it is a start.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Hess here. Just saw the Avengers, and it was so good! Is it wrong that I find the villain the most attractive one in that movie? Captain America just doesn't do it for me, sorry. I think Eggs has a thing for Chris Evans though... I just don't see it. I mean sure, he is an attractive man, but he does absolutely nothing for me.
But anyways, did you know theater popcorn is one of the worst things you can eat? Seriously, that mofo is like 1600 calories, and it's all salt and chemicals. And guess who just consumed an entire small to herself? Yep.
So Eggs, you are not alone on the failure ship. I am captaining that beast, and it's heading due south. Seriously, when are things gonna change for us? Probably when we change them for ourselves. The pity party isn't helping me, I know, but it helps to rant a little.
Anyways, I'll try and be more positive from now on... but that has always been hard for me. But hmm... things that are good... the villain in the Avengers. Yummy. The fact that Elaine looks way better now than she did on Seinfeld fifteen years ago. Loaded bookshelves. Polka dots. Brown eyes. Sigh. That's all I got.
Next week will be better, right Eggs? Next week WE'LL be better. Oh yeah, and one more thing...
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Time to get serious...
Eggs has failed miserably over the past few days, food wise. I have stayed positive at work, for the most part, so far so I am quite happy there! Along with all the mind and body changes, I have been house hunting and really starting to realize how important a budget will be for the rest of my life. Kind of sucks growing up. Don't know if I like the idea some days or not. I also wonder if, at the age of 25, if I should be doing this all on my own, you know, the single life. A second income would go a long way. Just got to strive to better myself and good things will come my way. I know things in life could be a lot worse, pretty sad when being single is one of my main problems.. along with my weight and spending habits. Spoken like a true future cat lady. I am too young for that!
It is time to get serious here...
Hess here. I was playing around on the computer last night and I found this awesome site that I wanted to share:
Basically it's a fashion site for Disney characters, and it's really fun! Eggs, check it out. It's pretty epic.
Basically it's a fashion site for Disney characters, and it's really fun! Eggs, check it out. It's pretty epic.
Monday, 4 June 2012
Hess here. First off, my props to Eggs for having the motivation to run today! Not gonna lie, I cannot remember the last time I worked out. I wish that was an exaggeration, but alas. The last workout experience I had involved Billy Blanks in illegally tight Spandex, and let me tell you it was not pleasant. It was actually slightly nightmarish, and not just because the dangerously sweaty Billy was yelling "push it" repeatedly. No, it was also nightmarish because I realized exactly how far I'd let myself fall in the past five years or so, and it made me very, very disappointed.
I think my problem is that the weeks always sort of blend together, and by the time I'm ready to make any kind of use of my time, that time is already gone. That needs to change. But how on earth do you make time? There has to be a way, and I'm trying to find it.
Anywho, I find certain images really inspiring, so I thought I'd share a few huge ones today.
So there are my nice happy pictures for today.
Only eleven months until Cali. I know that seems like a long time, but I also know that our trip will approach us faster than a fat kid to an ice cream truck. So how are we doing so far, Eggs? I'm doing lousy, and that will only change if I stop filling my days so full of school and work.
I recently read in a book that there is no "right time" to change; life will always be full and hard and inconvenient. You have to work your life around the change, otherwise that change will never happen, because life happens. And that is what I will be working on this week.
Happy Monday!
I think my problem is that the weeks always sort of blend together, and by the time I'm ready to make any kind of use of my time, that time is already gone. That needs to change. But how on earth do you make time? There has to be a way, and I'm trying to find it.
Anywho, I find certain images really inspiring, so I thought I'd share a few huge ones today.
So there are my nice happy pictures for today.
Only eleven months until Cali. I know that seems like a long time, but I also know that our trip will approach us faster than a fat kid to an ice cream truck. So how are we doing so far, Eggs? I'm doing lousy, and that will only change if I stop filling my days so full of school and work.
I recently read in a book that there is no "right time" to change; life will always be full and hard and inconvenient. You have to work your life around the change, otherwise that change will never happen, because life happens. And that is what I will be working on this week.
Happy Monday!
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