I've been thinking a lot about my first love, Tom Hanks. (A weird object of affection for a teenaged girl, but I was an oddball. Psh, "was"...)
Am I right?? I know. I am sooo right.
I've also discovered my ideal movie-character-man. Jeffrey Dean Morgan in PS I Love You. Mmmm. Not my usual scrawny punk type, but somehow he sort of is. Like his arms are just... mmm. And he has awesome facial hair/scruff. And of course, the guitar. Perfection.
Again, am I right? I know!
Know who else is (was) a sexy beast? (Sorry if this is morbid...) Heath Ledger. He was pretty freaking ideal also. Something about that skater vibe... it always gets me. ALWAYS. Eggs knows.
Here's hoping you're in a better place, Heath. This world is sorely missing your incredible talent.
And, more than anything, I have been thinking about traveling again. It's been two years since Europe and three since Texas, so I am due for another trip. Escape...
Sigh. Brings me back to the original purpose of this blog haha. California... it will always be there, but oh man, I wish I could go now. Life is kicking my butt these days.
And here are some random pics:
My favorite couple ever, Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams. I'm rooting for these two! I think they're going to go the distance. They look so happy. :)
Gotta love Oscar Wilde.
I'm going to do this to my staircase someday. Not a Doors quote, but something equally awesome. It looks sooooo cool! LOVE it.
Anyways, I hope people are loving life. Have a really great November, and enjoy your Halloween!